Thanks to recent economic and financiƔis investments and to the collaboration of the highly qualified staff, Redalluminio can nowadays offers the best in technology, giving its customers a complete working schedule starting from the supply of raw material, always certified, that is carefully selected following the most rigid critery to guarantee the best performance of each article produed.
The planning, the vital part of the schedule, is carried out meticulously by skilled technicians; in this phase various prototypes are realized and tested by quality machinery, which carry out the strictest checks on the article.Only after having passed these tests, in the prototype codec! and included in the working itinerary.The production, made by latest machinery which is costantly kept -to-date, is capable of satisfying our customers most diverse request, producing different sized batches of goods, regardless of quantity.
The products is finally checke "thoroughly to make sure there are no irregularities that could affect the quality.